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SfV – APC Database Form

We appreciate your participation in this survey, which will help us build the APC Safety for Voices Initiative (SfV) database.

By sharing your information, you enable us to keep you updated on SfV resources. Thank you!

Sustaining Defenders through Feminist Holistic Security, also known as Safety for Voices (SfV), is a global South-based programme that works towards greater safety for women human rights defenders, by taking an integrated approach to safety and paying special attention to technology.


WHRDs include all women, girls and gender-diverse people who work, individually or collectively, on behalf of others to promote and defend recognised human rights. The applicant must be an organisation/collective/network led by women and/or gender-diverse persons or the primary beneficiaries of the grant should be women and/or gender-diverse persons.


All information you provide will be handled with the utmost care and attention to security and privacy. Your contact information will be stored on APC's servers. If you have any concerns or specific security considerations, please contact

(This question is mandatory)
1. Individual/organisation/collective:
2. Individual accountable, first name: (if you are an individual you can skip this question)
3. Individual accountable, last name: (if you are an individual you can skip this question)
(This question is mandatory)
4. Email:
(This question is mandatory)
5. Country:
(This question is mandatory)
6. City:
7. Address of organisation:
8. Phone number (please include country code):
9. Social media:
(This question is mandatory)
10. How do you describe your gender identity? (You may select one or specify another)
(This question is mandatory)
11. Group(s) you identify with: (You may select multiple answers)
(This question is mandatory)
12. Issue you work on:
If you cannot find a suitable option in the list, please give a brief description in the box. You can select more than one item.
13. Where have you heard about the Safety for Voices Initiative?
(This question is mandatory)

Privacy policy

We take your privacy very seriously.

  • All the information you provide here will be used only to maintain your contact details in the Safety for Voices database.
  • Unless we ask you to specifically identify yourself, APC will not be able to personally identify you by the information you provide in your responses to this survey.
  • All personally identifiable information received through this survey (e.g. email address or name) will be kept confidential, used for its objective, and then deleted or anonymised for statistical analysis.
  • We will not collect your personal information or disclose it to third parties without your explicit consent.
  • Cookies are only used to remember the answers you provided should you choose to come back to the survey later to finalise it. Cookies on this survey are not used to identify you, track your web surfing history, or obtain any other information about you, your location or your activities.
  • If relevant and applicable, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) will do its best to ensure that the general findings of this survey are shared and accessible. If you want more information about how we protect your privacy, please refer to our privacy policy or write to

By accepting the above and submitting the survey, you are providing your consent to store your contact details.